Monday, May 18, 2009

$ELL ()u7! "Sell OUT" the movie

This movie made an impact to the way I view myself.
Its made me laugh outside and cry inside all at the same time. How does this happen?
Reflecting on part of the movie I began putting the puzzles together...
and questions starts to appeared in my mind.

Are you a good guy or a bad guy? (one man’s meat is another man’s Poisson)

Are you smart or are you intelligent or are you wise?

Do you help other but not yourself? or do you self help yourself and not others?

Notice, this is a 2 choice question... but it that the only option to life?
I think not, there are many and it’s up to you to choice.

I noted that this movie is a exaggeration to what is real life.
the roles you will see;

1) the smart but low self-esteem person that lets himself gets bullied

2) the person that puts on a mask or strength but is weak and lonely inside

3) Rich people may not be always happy or intelligent (Money cannot buy you brains).

I see part of myself in the movie... do you?

Go and watch Sell Out the movie, Leave a comment also yeah. Thanks =)

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